Cookies for Babies

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Piedmont Pediatrics - Dr. Laura Harris, MD

Dr. Laura E. Harris, MD

We recently had the pleasure of sharing our cookies and our story with Dr. Laura Harris, a Princeton and Emory educated pediatrician with Piedmont Pediatrics, one of the most well known and respected pediatric practices in Atlanta, Georgia. We are very happy that she agreed to share her impressions with you:

"Cookies for Babies are delicious!!! As a pediatrician, mothers often ask me 'what type of healthy foods can I feed to my infant (or child)?', and Cookies for Babies will now definitely be on my list of healthy, yummy foods that are safe to try for your baby as they start finger foods!  Also, they are a great organic alternative to processed foods for your older children, and yourself as well!!!" 

Thank You Dr. Harris for sharing your thoughts with us!

Dr.  Harris has received several awards, including the Patients' Choice Award.  
She lives in Atlanta with her husband and her three young children.

Piedmont Pediatrics
105 Collier Road Northwest #4060
Atlanta, GA 30309
(404) 351-6662

Caring for Your Baby and Young Child, 5th Edition: Birth to Age 5 (Shelov, Caring for your Baby and Young Child, Birth to Age 5)

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